It's a full lockdown - that's the partial truth

For all intents and purposes, our unlucky kingdom is now on full lockdown. Unlucky? You ask. Well, if we had been lucky enough to have a caring, sensitive and proactive government, we would be on partial lockdown today because we would have started with the full curfew at the beginning of March. Let me explain. The Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini government is just too proud to admit that it has ordered a full lockdown. They just do not want to give us armchair critics our 15 minutes of fame, to gloat and say to them, "We told you so." Some of us have been warning that the situation would explode in thé faces of this lackadaisical government and nobody listened. They seemed not to worry much about prevention and appeared to think they would cross the COVID - 19 bridge when they came to it. Trouble is, we were all passengers in their reckless vehicle. They were carrying us to that bridge and today, we are all there. It is no longer funny now. Only now, has Lizzie Nkosi, the indiff...